Campsite with kids club
in Centre Loire Valley

During your summer stay, the little ones from 5 to 13 years old can take advantage of the children’s club of the campsite. Our entertainer will be pleased to welcome them and offer them a large number of activities and entertainment that will punctuate their camping holidays in the Centre Val de Loire.

An international kids club

The international kids’ club at our campsite in the Loir-et-Cher encourages exchanges between little campers from different backgrounds: from France, England or the Netherlands. Everyone lives together to take part in activities that are as fun as they are playful. Lucas will help your children to make lots of European friends. Nice moments of cultural sharing and discovery in perspective, but also the opportunity to socialise and meet their new holiday friends in other places appreciated by the children.

Activites Club Enfant Camping Les Saules

Numerous activities at the campsite's kids club

The campsite’s entertainment for children is diverse and varied. The activities are spread over three time slots corresponding to three appointments so that each little budding camper can enjoy the children’s club at different times of the day. Many sports and fun activities are offered to them: table tennis, football, archery, volleyball, olympiad, werewolf… The manual activities are not to be outdone with workshops to have fun tinkering, inventing, putting make-up on and designing all sorts of objects. There is only one destination to spend your time like crazy and learn while having fun: the campsite’s children’s club!

Activities centred on the discovery of nature

Our campsite in the Centre Val de Loire is in the heart of a rich biodiversity. We offer children the opportunity to get to know it with activities designed to have fun and at the same time enrich themselves by discovering the treasures of our fauna and flora. Your children will be able to learn about ecological issues and explore a fascinating world. For this, they can count on Lucas our animator , he knows the wonders of nature and all the secrets of our campsite. He will help your children to discover, through numerous educational games, how beautiful nature is and how important it is to preserve it. On the programme: building huts, discovering the many species of birds on the campsite, exploring the world of insects, and many other surprises.

Our campsite in the Centre Val de Loire is in the heart of a rich biodiversity. We offer children the opportunity to get to know it with activities designed to have fun and at the same time enrich themselves by discovering the treasures of our fauna and flora. Your children will be able to learn about ecological issues and explore a fascinating world. For this, they can count on Eddy the explorer, a character played by our animator. Lenny knows the wonders of nature and all the secrets of our campsite. He will help your children to discover, through numerous educational games, how beautiful nature is and how important it is to preserve it. On the programme: building huts, discovering the many species of birds on the campsite, exploring the world of insects, and many other surprises.

Bird Watching Et Moutons Camping Cheverny
Image Separator

More information about the Kids Club

Our campsite with children’s club in Cheverny, between Chambord and Amboise, in the heart of the Loire castles, welcomes your children from 5 to 13 years old on 3 time slots spread throughout the day from morning to evening.

Schedules of the children’s club activities (from 10 July to 18August) :

  • from 10am to 11.30am
  • from 3.30pm to 5.30pm
  • from 6.30pm to 7.30pm

The children’s activities run from Sunday to Friday. Each activity is designed to have fun and at the same time enrich themselves by discovering the treasures of our fauna and flora. The family campsite Les Saules also has an ornithological trail where you can meet the 58 species of birds on the campsite or discover the job of a beekeeper, a little-known profession that will certainly arouse the curiosity of the youngest and help them understand why it is so important to preserve the bees. See you soon to help your children experience great adventures during your camping stay in the Loir-et-Cher!